Nurturing the inherent potential and talent of each child

SMPS provides a safe & nurturing environment for your children. This is very essential to tap their latest potential and bring them to the fore. Children are not like empty bins to be stuffed with information. They are like soft sponges and we enable them to develop an explorative and curious bent of mind to absorb meaningful knowledge and become well-adjusted, inquisitive, perceptive, bright and interactive children, ready for formal schooling.
At SMPS, we just kindle the spark of curiosity in the already bright child that yours is so that he/she sparkles forever in future. SMPS is now taking enrolment for Children from Playgroup to XI Class.

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    I extend my deep gratitude to the parents, students and SMPS staff whose indispensable contribution has made the school what it is today. The Management is committed in imparting quality education that meets the of vision and mission of the school. SMPS has gained immense strength in terms of strong academics and in imparting indispensable human and cultural values among all the students.
    It gives me immense pleasure to witness the budding stars and the adolescents gearing up to move on to take up bigger challenges in life. I can see the school’s vision being fulfilled through the thoughts and action of the students.
    The school will consistently make endeavors towards providing basic quality education to all and imbibing values which are unique to the Indian social values.
    The ongoing academic rigor will remain the forte of the SMPS besides imparting indispensable skills that will make them ready to face the ever evolving and unforgiving world.
    I am sure that with the passage of time our students will establish themselves as global citizens making, the school, society and the nation proud.

    With best wishes,

    Dear Students, Welcome to the SMPS, a School that believes in making a difference in the life of every child we admist. Fostering the spirits of excellence in all spheres of life is the focus of the school. In this era of globalization and continuous quest for excellence and quality, we believe in the pursuit of creating a curriculum rich in content, diverse in approach, flexible in methods and democratic in nature. The priority is to provide condition for the forging of character with leadership qualities. The endeavor is to shape such leader of tomorrow, leaders who are capable, talented, confident but also humane, sensitive and imaginative. We aim to nature a student community that can contribute to nation-building and social service.
    Student should not only learn, but also learn how to learn, and not just in school but beyond as well. The heart of education is after all the education of the heart. Our school believes that every seed has the potential to flower and torn into a fruitful treat having the aspiration to go beyond the stars. In the same way when students have strong foundation, their lives will definitely blossom and fortune will smile of them. Let us be partners in giving our children the roots and the wings too. Looking forward to your continued and valuable support and cooperation.
    “Stars are within us the sun rises and sets within us. The earth moves within us. The flower blossom within us.”
    Instilling good values among students and challenging them to think remains the school’s hallmark.
    With best wishes,

    Our Facilities

    Fully equipped smart classes
    Complete CCTV secured school area
    Large courtyards and play areas