Report child abuse If you’re worried about a child, you can always write to us.

Q1-Details of measures taken by the school to prevent sexual offence with children (as per guidelines, norms and procedures prescribed in the protection of children from sexual offences-Act-2012(POCSO act)?
1) Our school takes care of all the sensitive issues dealing with child abuse or assault of any type. We strictly implement child protection policy and efficiently include in the process. We conduct session with teachers to check Behavioural disorder in children and keep a strong vigilance if something unusual is observed. Activity role paly conducted in pre-primary wing time to time about good touch and bad touch. We arrange special session on personal safety with children talking about their body parts and sensitive parts. Orientation of all the staff members, teachers and administrators on detecting the warning signs of sexual abuse among children both at school and outside school premises is conducted in the school. Monitoring all activities of teacher, visiting faculty, and strangers is done through CCTV cameras to protect children against any harm. We insure that the students leave the school premises with parents or authorised persona. School has also made Internal Complaint Committee and appointed a women presiding officer at a senior level at the work place. Students are not left unattended during transportation, attendant along with a conductor and driver is always present in the school bus. The school bus fulfils all the safety standards according to CBSE norms. We carefully check the background and police verification for all the staff members including contract members.
Q2-Details of measures taken by school to prevent sexual harassment of staff at work place (as per guidelines, norms and procedure prescribed in the Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal ) Act-2013 and other Union and state acts)?
2) Our organisation always try to protect, prohibit, prevent and give remedies such violation will always take place. Crime against women, who are considered to be the most vulnerable section of the society. To facilitate our school has framed strict guide lines to protect our female staff at work place.
Our school is sensitive towards this matter. We have formed Sexual Harassment committee. The members of this committee council teachers time to time and train them to aware regarding Sexual Harassment. Upon any complaint about sexual harassment an enquiry is conducted by the senior authorities and complain is registered in the local police station against the accused. We often tend to organize workshop and awareness programme for sensitizing the employees with the provision of POCSO ACT.
A safe and healthy environment is created to ensure proper functioning of female staff. Proper assistance is provided in terms of safety to all employees and monitoring is done through CCTV Cameras which are installed in different corners of the school.
Our head of the intuition conduct monthly meeting with employees to know their problems. Accordingly they can provide a safe working environment.
Q-3-Steps taken by the school towards safety of children and staff in campus and during transportation?
3) Our school is sensitive towards safety of the children and the staff. Our school doesn’t compromise in term of safety in the school premises or during transportation.
We have installed CCTV in all Nook and Crannies of the school premises which catches all the activities that happen in school.
The building is designed to be earthquake resilient and fire safety equipment and fire extinguishers are installed in corridors of our school.
School appointed security guard to keep tab on who comes in and goes out. Students and teachers always wear their Id cards.
We appoint our staff after the verification of their background and maintain proper records about their past employment, permanent/residential address, phone no. adhere card and check that they don’t have criminal records. For visitors we have separate visitor’s card .We have infirmary to provide basic first aid to children and staff.
Our school buses are well equipped and in good condition .Students are accompanied by an attendant and bus conductor all the times. Police verification, licence, residence and past driving experience.
Clean drinking water to provide safety in terms of health school has installed RO purification.
All exit and entry points are properly gated under CCTV and regularly monitored.
Q4-Safety measure taken by school in case of any external threat/attack?
4) Children spent more time in school than elsewhere. Making it extremely important we ensure that every child is safe inside the school premises and while commuting to or from school.
Natural disaster and other emergencies can happen any time. At school we train our staff to handle the situation safely and effectively.
We conduct mock drills and making them aware of how to react in situation like fire, floods, earthquake etc.
Our school building is built to meet earthquake protection standards under the guidance of reputed architect.
We have fire extinguishers in different areas of the building to prevent fire. Teachers and staff are trained how to use fire extinguisher in case of fire. We have also paid attention towards the wiring of entire school living no loop holes. We maintain a profile with our nearby police station, fire stations and WGO’S by maintaining records of numbers and communication regularly if necessary.
The school campus is protected by a 15ft tall walls on all sides. Preventing any kind of mobbing. CCTV cameras are installed to keep strong vigilance on the activities.