General Rules and regulations: Students should treat school staff with respect at all times and be courteous to fellow students.
- Pupils Absence From School For A Period Of Two Weeks Without Notice Will Be Sufficient Reason For Striking His/Her Name Off From The Rolls.
- Those Pupils Who Have Paid Up To Date Fees Would Be Permitted To Appear For The Final Examination.
- During The Absence Of A Teacher From The Class, Pupils Must Follow The Monitor Appointed To Maintain Good Order.
- Private Tuition/Coaching is discouraged.
- A minimum of 50% in the aggregate in English, Hindi, Social Studies, Mathematics& Science is essential for promotion besides reaching a satisfactory standard in-class test/ unit test in all subjects.
- A student who fails in the same class for two years in succession will not be allowed to continue in school.
- No pupil may remain absent except for valid reason for which leave should be applied in writing by the parents/guardians in the diary. Oral messages shall not be accepted.
- Irregular attendance, neglect of homework, neglect of class test/ Unit test, habitual lack of interest in school activities, wilful, repeated breaches of school regulations, disobedience & disrespect towards teacher are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the Pupil from the school.
- Pupils are responsible for school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behavior outside. Any report of objectionable conduct on the part of any pupil will make him/ her liable for action in this respect.
- Mobile Devices are not permitted & will be confiscated by the school.
- If a parent/legal guardian wants to meet any teacher then a prior appointment with the teacher should be made through the Student’s Diary.