Fee for each month should be paid by the 10th of every month at the school office. A fine of Rs. 10/- will be charged per day if fees is deposited after the 10th of every month. A fine of Rs. 20/- will be charged per day after 15th of every month. After 20th of every month in case of non-payment Rs. 50/- will be charge per day as late fine along with the arrears.

  • A Re-admission Fee of Rs. 200/- will be charged along with the arrears for readmitting the student in the School (Applicable to students from classes Nursery to VIII).
  • FEES FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY & JUNE will be charged together i.e. along with the fee of MAY as per Schedule. Fees for the two months of DECEMBER & JANUARY will be charged together.
  • A special concessions of 10% will be awarded to two or more real brothers & sisters studying in the same school or any other branch of this school.